
Willem dafoe penis dancing
Willem dafoe penis dancing

willem dafoe penis dancing

So who would you like to see as Cheney? One of these guys or someone else? Post a comment and weigh in on this significant politics-meets-pop-culture event. (The Dude as Dick Cheney?! ) But how intruiging would it be to see Bridges playing someone so different from the super-laidback, affable persona we all know and love? And if you take away the beard (pictured above), there’s enough physical similarity to make it work. The Dance Of The Sphinx & The Chimera - Sexy Scene. Option Five: Jeff Bridges - OK, I know this sounds crazy. Willem Dafoe naked videos - free MrMan nude male celebrities videos - lots of male erotic nudity in. He’s 10 years older than Cheney, but so what? Duvall has the chops to make us think he’s technically a little younger yet just as cranky as a person twice his age.

willem dafoe penis dancing

Option Four: Robert Duvall - Another phenomenal actor with “The Godfather” on his resume and an even more potentially striking resembleance to our former VP. Very quickly, it becomes obvious that this isnt a job for everyone. Plus, with a decent make-up job, the resemblance could be more striking than you might think. The movie begins with Robert Pattinsons Winslow joining Willem Dafoes Thomas on a New England island to watch after a lighthouse. Added bonus: he’d undoubtedly be intense and earn an Emmy nomination as a result. Option Three: Al Pacino - This being an HBO miniseries, I believe there is some sort of contractual obligation that requires Pacino to be in it. Dafoe in particular required a body double throughout, as and theres no genteel way to put this his penis was too large. Willem Dafoe, potential Dick Cheney? (Jason DeCrow/AP)

Willem dafoe penis dancing